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Child & Family Support Services

“…the program focused on working directly with Service Managers by supporting them to promote and foster positive wellbeing practices for educators, families and children.”

The LGT Child and Family Wellbeing Program provided direct targeted child and family support to 17 families for LGT families, employees and their children at a statewide level with the program responding to multiple requests for a variety of child and family wellbeing and parenting matters. In addition, the program focused on working directly with Service Managers by supporting them to promote and foster positive wellbeing practices for educators, families and children. Requests for support of this nature increased throughout the year with Service Managers and Educators reporting finding it beneficial and useful.

The program provided support for families referred for support via Strong Families Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line via the Integrated Family Support Service Program which continued to operate at capacity throughout the year with 22 families and 61 children and young people receiving support.

The Integrated Family Support Service Program delivered child and family focused parenting support for vulnerable families across Southern Tasmania via a case management model. Families receiving support were impacted by a variety of social and environmental factors. Integrated Family Support Service Program practitioners have been able to support families in navigating their pathway of change in a manner that reflects the family’s individual circumstances and one that focuses on strengthening parenting and outcomes for children and young people.

The Domains of Wellbeing were used by practitioners to help families identify individual strength based and solution focused goals with the overwhelming numbers of families reporting the support received helped to make a real difference to their lives and of note, helped to make home a safe and happy space for all members of the family.

Cindy Woolley – Family Support Service Manager