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Learning, Development and Inclusion

Annette Barwick

Annette Barwick

General Manager Learning, Development and Inclusion

“For children to thrive, our people need to thrive. This statement encapsulates the essence of the LD&I program areas.”

This year was one of rapid change and optimism. I must firstly acknowledge our Learning Development and Inclusion (LD&I) team who, within an ever-changing landscape, continued to demonstrate innovation, resilience and a deep commitment and drive to make a difference.  For children to thrive, our people need to thrive. This statement encapsulates the essence of the LD&I program areas. The annual report provides an opportunity to not only highlight LD&I teams’ key achievements and impact, but to reflect on the exceptional work and commitment of this team in realising the vision and goals of the organisation.

Gowrie Training & Consultancy – Project Insights

Workforce challenges experienced by the the education and care sector became a reality for this team, however with a small team of exceptional consultants, we continued to support educators’ and services professional growth through targeted learning and development in addition to oversight of several short term and long-term projects. These projects included:

  • Early Years & School Age Care (EYSAC) Workforce Strategy
  • DEWR (Local Jobs Program) Education and Care – Good Fit Tool
  • Community Services Industry Plan – Workforce Co-ordination Project
  • Connecting with AEDC Data to Improve Outcomes for children
  • Department of Premier & Cabinet Grant – Five free maker workshops for children in the Kingborough community.
  • Department of Premier & Cabinet Grant – The Basics Initiative

The Premiers Fund for Children and Young People grant enabled us to engage 224 children and young people through the delivery of five free makers workshops within the Kingborough community. The children’s workshops were designed to promote the wellbeing and development of young people, considering the principles outlined in the Tasmanian Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

AEDC – Connecting with AEDC Data to Improve Outcomes for children project focused on loose parts play as an effective way to ‘see’ practical examples of the 5 AEDC developmental domains in action through children’s play, providing insight into ‘point in time’ developmental vulnerabilities and where educators made changes within their practice in the outdoor environment to support children’s development and learning.

Workforce Projects (Contracted through Early Childhood Australia Tasmania Branch to operationalise):

  • Early Years & School Age Care (EYSAC) Workforce Project
  • Community Services Industry Plan – Workforce Coordination Project

Highlights of the workforce projects included:

  • Submitted and contributed to national and state reviews and strategies including ANSZCO, National vision, Youth and Wellbeing Strategy;
  • Presentations on and for workforce including TasCOSS State Forum, ECA Tas Forum, ECA National Conference;
  • The Education and Care Good Fit Tool project to help people considering jobs or qualifications in the education and care sector;
  • Communication and engagement statewide with the education and care sector to listen and inform workforce priorities and actions including regional and statewide forums;
  • Engaging with sector to inform the development of the Education and Care Industry Compact; and
  • Building a collaborative working relationship across the EYSAC Workforce project and the Workforce Coordination project including;
  • Recruitment and awareness campaign ‘Work with Purpose’
  • Building Training and Assessment capacity
  • Program of Research.
  • Workforce Planning & Development Review Tool
  • Continued to build and maintain relationships with broader workforce stakeholders to raise awareness and value.

Gowrie Training & Consultancy – Registered Training Organisation (45602)

2022-23 saw the transition of learners from the now superseded qualifications into the new Certificate III (CHC30121) and Diploma (CHC50121) qualifications and the development of new training and assessment tools.  Streamlining processes were a focus with a new online enrolment and Language Literacy and Numeracy (LNN) assessment implemented. Communication, flexibility, and support for learners with their studies were some of the areas where services have identified the RTO as excelling. A total of 286 learners (160 Certificate III and 126 Diploma) were supported in their qualification pathway during 2022-23. 160 learners were Lady Gowrie Tasmania employees.

Kim Jones – RTO Manager

Inclusion Support Program (ISP) – An Australian Government Funded Program

Lady Gowrie Tasmania is the state-wide provider of the Inclusion Support Program (ISP) funded through the Australian Government Department of Education. Lady Gowrie Tasmania received a contract variation to deliver this program until the end of June 2025. The ISP provides support for eligible education and care services to build their capacity and capability to include children with additional needs, alongside their typically developing peers, so all children have genuine opportunities to access, participate and achieve positive learning outcomes. The Inclusion Agency comprises 13 Inclusion Professionals located across three regions of the state who support 275 early childhood education and care services.  During the ISP reporting period of July 2022 – June 2023 the team responded to 1654 requests for support with 1985 face-to-face coaching and support visits.

To support the increasing number of referrals and support for the sector, the Inclusion Agency has reviewed the structure and workplan to continue to provide a high level of service delivery Including the engagement of a cross-discipline allied health professional and autism consultant who have been working alongside Inclusion Professionals. The Inclusion Agency partnered with Gowrie Training & Consultancy to offer a series of training opportunities within the south of the state, with plans to extend these opportunities to the north and north-west regions. Sessions have focused on key challenges being faced within the sector including re-thinking behaviours, social and emotional development, using visual supports, and speech and language development.


In Home Care Agency

The IHC Support Agency, funded through the Australian Government, Department of Education, contract was extended until end of June 2025. As of 30th June 2023, there were 12 families receiving In Home Care across Tasmania and 9 families on the waitlist (waiting for an available educator through an IHC Service Provider). During the 2022/2023 financial year, two IHC Providers ceased with Wanslea In Home Care Service being the only registered IHC service provider registered to operate in Tasmania.

Roxanne Ellis – Support Services Manager